
Ova Magica - An adorable farming and monster taming game!

Created by ClaudiaTheDev

Inspired by Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher and beloved classics like Harvest Moon and Pokémon! For PC, Switch, XB1/SX and PS4/5.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A small update
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 09:53:39 PM

We hope you were all able to relax over Easter and enjoy the days!

We are happy to announce that in this month of April the surveys will be sent out and the Backerkit Store will open. So get ready for the next update!

A few facts and figures

If you're interested, here's a summary of what we ultimately received out of the total €258,188 raised!

 258.188,00 €    Total raised              

−5.593,00 €       Dropped Pledges      

−12.629,75 €     Kickstarter Fee

−8.407,32 €       Payment processing fee


231.557,93 €

Of course, we still have to pay taxes from this. Minus production and shipping costs of the rewards, the remaining money is invested fully in the development. 

For example, we could already expand our team by one person! We will announce our new member in one of the upcoming updates, maybe you can guess what kind of task the person will take over? Small hint: There are many dialogs and events in Ova Magica;-)...

 A gift for you from the devs of GO HEROES♥

The developers of Go Heroes (more about the game below) have created this great DIY figure of our main hero Finn. The best part is you don't need glue, just scissors! If you like the figure then check out the GO HEROES Kickstarter page as a small thank you! And don't forget to share your crafted figure with us!

Click on the image for full res template

Game Shoutout - Go HEROES

GO HEROES is an epic journey based on the Greek myth of Prometheus, the Fire Bringer. Tricky riddles and fearless enemies will block your quest! Cunning thinking and mythical weapons will carry you away on an epic adventure set in still existing landscapes of the everlasting ancient Greek world.

Blob Design Contest Winners!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 11:07:05 PM

We are sorry to keep you waiting for so long! The decision was really hard, because we have received so many wonderful designs. That's why we decided that there will be not one but 3 main winners! The prizes will be sent at the same time as the Backer Rewards (2022). All winners will receive a message regarding their address and desired platform before the rewards are sent. 

We are also continuing to work on Backerkit to give you access as soon as possible!

The three main winners!

The choice is very subjective and was not based on the "best" or most detailed design. We chose the blobs that we would like to see most in the game and that also fit the breeding mechanics. In the end, we actually had over 15 blobs we wanted to pick, but we had to choose somehow... Please do not be disappointed if your blob is not one of the winners.

 Here we present you our realization of the three proud and super cute winners!

Animated: The 3 winner blobs!
Animated: Snowman blob by @GilGallardo3
Animated: Baby blob by @lydocia
Animated: Music blob by @LethalMage

Raffle Winners

The 3 raffle winners are:

Game Shoutout - Kinder World: a game of houseplants, healing and kindness

Click here for the Kickstarter campaign of Kinder World

I've shared this great game before and I'm doing it again! Why? The developer team behind it is committed to nature, among other things, by collecting donations as part of the #GamesForNature campaign. I think they deserve some support back and they have really great stretch goals! Help them to reach their goals♥

Kinder World is a mobile game of houseplants, healing and practicing kindness. ❤️

Take care of your plants and yourself in a relaxing and lush atmosphere of your own design, completing daily acts of self-love that make the world a kinder place.

Players nurture their plants in-game by nurturing themselves in the real world, completing evidence-based wellbeing exercises like stretching, breathing, and expressing gratitude.

Practice showing kindness to others by sharing supportive messages and plant cuttings with other players in Kinder World.  Collective player choices like these, and in-game events will influence the growth of a shared Community Tree over time.

Click to go to the Kickstarter campaign of Kinder World

Small progress report
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 06, 2021 at 12:28:57 AM

Last Reminder - Failed Payments

You have only half a day left to fix your payment if Kickstarter shows you an error. Otherwise, you will unfortunately lose your reward. There are still over 100 failed payments, so it's best to check again♥.

Small progress report

We are still evaluating the blob design contest and preparing the Backerkit pledge manager. There all backers can change their reward and get additional add-ons! In our next update we will announce the winning designs!

I (Claudia) also started with the customization stretch goal. It's still very rough and WIP but the technical base is done. The UI is just a quick prototype and will be improved. I want to implement color fields and color pickers for the hair, 

The technical base for changing your outfit, skin color, hairstyle, hair color, eyes and eye color is done. Now I have to add many options. At the beginning of the game there are only a few hairstyles to choose from, when you unlock the beauty salon you will have more options.

Is there a particular hairstyle that you want or anything else♥?

Breeding teaser

Here you can see some of the thousand cow blob breeds! The top row shows some possible outcomes when you breed a cow blob with one of the 3 starters. Do you already have an idea how your perfect cow blob will look?

 Last days to back - The Way of Wrath  

The Way of Wrath is an open-world role-playing adventure with full RPG story experience, companions, romance, crafting, tactical battles, and rich exploration.  Gather your party and experience the world through the eyes of the ancient humans in a beautiful hand-crafted world inspired by the ancient earth.

Click to go to the Kickstarter campaign of The Way of Wrath

Reminder: Failed Payments
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 12:33:18 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Thank you for a grand finale! 4281 backers and 1290% funded!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 01:50:12 AM

Hello everyone! The campaign for Ova Magica just ended!!! We're looking now on what we achieved together and we're blown away. we didn't imagine that the campaign would come so far, and to the point where every single stretch goal and feature for the game was reached. This feels so surreal... to be honest, we only expected to get through about half the stretches! But it's all thanks to every single one of you, without you none of this would have happened. We'll make sure that Ova Magica is a great game that you'll cherish for a long time to come. For every single one of you of the 4,281 who backed us we'll do our best to make sure it's awesome!

Now with the campaign over, there'll be periodic updates and devlogs on the updates page here, but for day-to-day bits and pieces, and to interact with the main community - We strongly suggest that you join the community Discord, and also wishlist the game on Steam!

Please wishlist the game on Steam to help us! Click here!

As you may have heard... yes, every single stretch goal for the game is unlocked! The world of Ova Magica will be a really in-depth place with many things to do, and the fact all stretch goals will be in-game will make it an even richer world. It would make this update way too long to write about every single one again now, but those with keen eyes will see that each has their own description on updates in the past!

How it continues

First things first, we will work on organizing the backer roles for the Discord community. Please bear with us on this, as we need KS to confirm the pledges so we can have the list of appropriate roles to give to people.

By the end of next week(ish), we'll also have the details of the blob design contest finale and winners, and be ready to make an announcement about that!

All backers who pledged for a tier that comes with a custom design and a reward to create something in-game, over the next 4-5 days we will contact you to confirm your details and start the process!

In order to process rewards and make fulfilment easier, we'll also be setting up the usage of Backerkit. Using Backerkit, we'll also send out surveys in order to confirm the correct details to deliver items to, and to be able to provide the appropriate platforms for digital goods. You'll also be able to add additional items onto your pledge, or order additional goodies if you wish to do so through Backerkit also!

Going further into the future, more substantial development logs and updates regarding the progress and development of game features will be posted on the updates tab on Kickstarter, and of course we'll continue to be active on the comments here as well. As mentioned above however, to be in the heart of the community we'd recommend that you jump into Discord, wishlist on Steam and follow on Twitter too!

This campaign has been so phenomenal and every single one of you deserves my thanks! Now the team and Top Hat Studios, are going to get back to working on the game after an exhausting campaign - and we cannot wait to show you what we are capable of creating now!

Jade and Clara are off to work on the farm! We'll talk again soon...